

Rail Awareness in Nevada

The Rail Auxiliary Team is a force multiplier that provides the Sheriff with trained eyes and ears specifically focused on the railroad's critical infrastructure. The "Rat Pack", as they are termed, will provide time-critical, accurate and effective reporting to the railroad emergency response center and the Sheriff on any reportable situation on the tracks from a safe environment off of railroad property.

Why Join the RAT Pack?

Are you interested in trains? Do you enjoy being outdoors? Do you want to serve your community in  a unique way? If you answered, "Yes" to any of these questions, then the RAT PACK is for you!

When learning about railroads, you will begin to understand the lack of knowledge that the general public has when it comes to trains, crossings and the situational awareness needed around trains. From transients riding in railcars, to people taking pictures on the tracks, to driver's making poor choices at rail crossings, you will learn about the impact you can make in preventing the preventable train vs. vehicle/pedestrian incidents.

Do you want to make an impact? Then the RAT PACK is for you!

How To Become a RAT Member?

All RAT Members must attend the the Community Emergency Response Team Academy, provided by the Washoe County Sheriff, along with the Rail Auxiliary Team Academy.

CERT is disaster preparedness and response training. These classes are designed for the "general citizen" and will provide a broad base of training in disaster preparedness, light search and rescue, disaster medical, fire safety and many other aspects of preparation and response. No prior experience or training is necessary. 

For more info on the CERT Academy - Washoe CERT

The RAT Academy will provide you with eight hours of rail specific training:

  • Basic Railroading
  • Suicide Awareness
  • Worldwide Rail Terrorism Awareness
  • Reporting Procedures

The eight hours of training is held on a Saturday, approximately four times a year at the Regional Public Safety Training Center (RPSTC) in Washoe County.

For more information on the RAT Academy fill out our Contact form.


What Do RATs Do?

In providing additional eyes and ears along the rail lines, RAT PACK members are able to report suspicious activity such as trespassers, graffiti, or objects on or around the rails as well as reporting any hazards that might interfere with safe railway operations.

Members are trained as to what to look for and how to report the incident to the rail authority. 

RAT PACK members are able to observe tracks as they go about their daily routine - driving to work, shopping, appointments, etc. Also, many members set aside specific times during the week to venture out to what we call "hot spots", where frequent trespassing occurs, and report anything that could be hazardous to train traffic or individuals.